Jeffrey Spaide Obituary – Death, Has Passed Away: Jeffrey Spaide Is Dead, Cause of Death, R.I.P
Jeffrey Spaide has Died : Death – Dead, Obituary, Cause of Death, Memorial, Funeral
The death news of Jeffrey Spaide has reached into the hearings of 360NG and we kindly from our kind and deepest heart give our condolences to the family of the deceased.
‘Jeffrey Spaide ‘ has Passed Away.
Friends and families of the deceased are mourning the death of their loved and cherished Jeffrey Spaide .
About Jeffrey Spaide, Who is Jeffrey Spaide?
About Jeffrey Spaide includes the Biography, Wikipedia, Age, Height, Net Worth, Family Background, Relationship Status, Images, Video, Audio, and Everything you need to Know About Jeffrey Spaide.
Check Out Jeffrey Spaide Biography, Profile, Wiki, Age, Net Worth and Social Profile
Jeffrey Spaide Biography, Wikipedia, Age and Net worth can be read from search engine such as google and wikipedia
The death news of Jeffrey Spaide was known to us and confirmed on social media.
After shooting two of his neighbors, James Goy and Lisa Goy, Jeffrey Spaide turned the gun on himself. On that snowy morning of February 1, 2021, three bodies were found in the town of Plains, Pennsylvania, and officials were considering murder—listed as a suicide. The deadly incident in the sleepy town follows a violent row between neighbors – and it has something to do with snow shoveling.
At the time, Plains Township was one of several areas of the Northeast hit by a winter storm that caused flight cancellations and school closures. Snow totals exceeded 30 inches in some areas. The slippery and icy roads have caused many accidents.
But Jeffrey Spaide, 47, met neighbor James Goy, 50, and his wife Lisa Goy, 48, on that chilly February morning It is no coincidence that they were shot outside their home. After killing the couple, Spade returned to his home before taking his own life.
This is the shocking story of Jeffrey Spaide’s murder-suicide and the tumultuous relationship with his neighbors that preceded it.
Born June 16, 1973, Jeffrey Spaide was raised in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, and spent most of his early years in the area. Spaide attended Wilkes University and Villanova University, where he earned a BS in Environmental Engineering and a MS in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering.
A distinguished military veteran, Spaide served in the US Navy in the 1990s and subsequently served in the US Army National Guard and US Naval Reserve. He also worked as an engineer for over 20 years. All in all, he leads a seemingly ordinary life until his fateful encounter with the Goys.
But according to The Citizens’ Voice, Spaide and the Goys never hit it off. They are known to have been involved in several altercations.
“Obviously, there have been disputes between neighbors, some of which involved snow removal and cleanup,” said Luzerne County First Assistant District Attorney Sam Sanguedolce. “They were face to face across the street and if They’re clearing snow and they’re going to dump it on the other property across the street.”
What Killed Jeffrey Spaide?, How Did Jeffrey Spaide Died?
See Jeffrey Spaide Cause of Death Below:
The Cause of Death of Jeffrey Spaide has not been known to us or confirmed yet!!but information will be updated once it is revealed.
Jeffrey Spaide Memorial | Funeral | Burial | GoFundMe
Location of Memorial has not been disclosed yet, we will update you once information has been revealed..
A GoFundMe Page is not available for the the deceased Jeffrey Spaide yet!!. You can continue checking this page for an update on the GoFundMe Page for your contribution and support for the deceased family.
Jeffrey Spaide Tributes
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