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Samantha Hyde dead, Suspect shot down by police Nashville shooting today

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Samantha Hyde dead, Suspect shot down by police Nashville shooting today

Samantha Hyde, who used an AR-15 style weapon, has been identified as the perpetrator of the shooting at Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee. It is a tragic incident in which three children and three adults lost their lives. Urgent action is needed, and the responsibility falls on Biden’s administration to address the issue of gun violence.

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Police shot and killed Samantha Hyde at Covenant Presbyterian Covenant School after she entered the school with two assault rifles and a pistol, resulting in the death of three children and three adults. The shooting occurred on Monday, and the first call came in at 9:30 a.m. One officer sustained injuries from broken glass, but there is no information about other injuries.

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Sadly, this shooting is not an isolated incident but one of many. Similar atrocities have occurred in the past, such as the killing of 19 children and two teachers at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, less than a year ago. Recently, a 6-year-old in Virginia shot and killed his teacher, while a student in Denver, Colorado shot and killed two administrators who searched him daily for behavioral issues. It is time for society to take action to prevent such senseless acts of violence.

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