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Steven Clayton Obituary – Death: Steven Clayton Cause Of Death

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Steven Clayton Obituary – Death: Steven Clayton Cause Of Death

According to reports, Lana Clayton found her husband Steve Clayton dead at the bottom of the stairs in their South Carolina home. The businessman and founder of a physiotherapy clinic had been married to Lana for five years before his untimely death. Initially, the coroner’s office attributed Steve’s death to a possible heart attack, but Lana’s behavior raised suspicion amongst family members, particularly her failure to attempt resuscitation and the absence of Steve’s phone. Consequently, the family requested an autopsy and toxicology tests, which revealed an unusual chemical, tetrahydrozoline, in Steve’s blood.

During her murder trial, Lana Clayton claimed that her husband had abused her throughout their marriage, which motivated her to poison him with Visine in a moment of impulsivity. However, prosecutors dismissed her allegations, citing a lack of evidence and instead pointed to a 2016 incident in which Lana shot Steve with a crossbow. Prosecutors accused Lana of deliberately poisoning Steve, burning his will, and disposing of his mobile phone. In contrast, the defense argued that Lana suffered from PTSD due to past sexual assaults, which Steve’s actions triggered.

Ultimately, Lana Clayton pleaded guilty to first-degree manslaughter and food or drug tampering, receiving a 25-year prison sentence. She is currently incarcerated at the all-female Leath Correctional Facility in Greenwood County, South Carolina, and is not eligible for release until November 24, 2039.

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