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Heidi Klum Germanys next topmodel leaked, Germany’s Next Topmodel

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Heidi Klum Germanys next topmodel leaked, Germany’s Next Topmodel

The road to the title of “Germany’s Next Top Model” has been difficult. In the end only one person will succeed. Heidi Klum is already having a tough time in the second episode. Last week, a storm saved GNTM’s young models from being kicked out of their homes. Meaning: There are too many people on the show this week! So, in the new episode, two would-be models have to go on their first assignment.

The models were challenged to showcase their “personality” – three poses and a sentence – in an introduction video. Behind the lens is Rankin, Heidi Klum’s mansion and court photographer, who also has 14 years of GNTM experience. Maybe that’s why his job now is to sit in a chair, wear sunglasses, and say “pose, pose, pose, move.”

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The words the girls come up with are as creative as “do you hate me or love me”. Heidi was disappointed with the performance, sometimes calling it “lethargic” and sometimes “sluggish,” and asking again in front of the assembled crowd to make sure: “Do you want to do this job?”

The models’ confidence actually seemed to crumble as soon as the camera rolled, as it did for 19-year-old Slata. After filming, she had to admit: “I totally underestimated that. It always looks so easy on TV, and then you’re here thinking, ‘What are you doing’”. Heidi thought so too, sending Slater and Melissa home. Just when everyone in the model gang was crying, Elsa had a different attitude towards the loss: “I’m super happy!” Anyway, to be honest.

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Sarah proved to be an especially promising character: She convinced both Rankin and Heidi, and with her meme potential, she certainly convinced every audience member. Sarah may look like Megan Fox, but she’s every bit as emotional as the lead of a completely over-the-top sitcom character. When she calls her parents, she cries and screams, leaving viewers wondering what they’re missing. Until you get it: Sarah expresses joy with contorted face and howling voice. Parents seem to be used to it. “Take this energy with you,” they advise their daughter, who weeps with joy.

Most can handle fall foliage, winter snow, and spring suds(?) just fine. But not all of them. As the only judge in person, Rankin had a lot to share this time around. To Lara: “I’m not sure if you’re sure what you’re doing.” To Juliet: “All I see are naked nerves.” To Eliz: “Actually, you’re probably the best thing to do as a catwalk model .but you’re like a toddling pony.” Over there, Elsa, Heidi just shook her head and asked, “Where do I start?”

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With two, there’s really nothing more important to the model mom and her executioner: with Melina, who slinks through the scene with her round back, head down looking for the party. And Juliet, looking down, staggers across the set, equally uninspired. Surprise: Elsa was allowed to stay despite a lot of criticism. Apparently she’s just too much fun.

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