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Lauren Boebert theatre leaked full video on twitter, Vaping in a Denver Theater

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Lauren Boebert theatre leaked full video on twitter, Vaping in a Denver Theater

Far-right Republican Representative Lauren Boebert from Colorado issued an apology on Friday night for her disruptive behavior during a recent performance of the family-friendly musical “Beetlejuice” in Denver. Surveillance footage showed her smoking and causing a disturbance in the theater.

Boebert, 36, had previously denied reports of using e-cigarettes. She was asked to leave the show for causing disruptions after a pregnant woman sitting behind her requested that she stop, as reported by The Denver Post.

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In her statement, Boebert expressed regret for the unwanted attention she brought to the Denver community that night, acknowledging that her actions were not intended to be harmful but recognizing their impact. She attributed her behavior to the stress of a public and difficult divorce, explaining that she had momentarily abandoned her usual values.

Boebert, a mother of four boys, initially denied reports of smoking an e-cigarette during the incident but later acknowledged her actions and the need to rebuild trust with her constituents.

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Boebert faced a close re-election campaign in 2022, winning by a narrow margin of just 546 votes. However, her actions since then have continued to draw controversy and have been seen by some Republicans as detrimental to her chances of gaining control of the House in 2024 and retaining her seat.

In June, Boebert attempted to force a vote to impeach President Biden, alleging that his immigration policies constituted high crimes and misdemeanors. This move was criticized by some of her colleagues and referred to a committee for further investigation.

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Boebert has also been a vocal opponent of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and has gained attention for her aggressive public persona, which includes confrontations with Democratic colleagues and a strong affinity for former President Trump.

While her behavior has garnered support from some on the right, it has also generated criticism and scrutiny, potentially impacting her political future.

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