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Prophet Jeremiah Fufeyin’s followers debunk manipulated video, defend spiritual leader against false accusations

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In recent days, a fake video has been circulating on social media portraying Prophet Jeremiah Fufeyin in a negative light. However, followers of the renowned Nigerian prophet have come forward to denounce the video, stating that it is manipulated and falsely portrays their spiritual leader.


The original video has now emerged, revealing the stark contrast between the fabricated version and the truth. It is clear that enemies of Prophet Jeremiah Fufeyin have taken it upon themselves to discredit him, resorting to deceptive measures to tarnish his reputation.


The followers of Prophet Jeremiah Fufeyin are adamant that the circulated video is edited, manipulated, and misleading. They assert that it does not accurately represent the Prophet’s teachings or actions. Their intention is to ensure that the public is not swayed by false information that seeks to undermine Prophet Jeremiah Fufeyin’s significance and impact.

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Prophet Jeremiah Fufeyin’s followers are urging Nigerians to watch the original video and see the glaring disparity between the truth and the edited version being widely circulated. They believe that this will serve as evidence of the lengths enemies of the Prophet are willing to go to defame him.



These attempts to defame Prophet Jeremiah Fufeyin are viewed as malicious and driven by envy by his followers. They stand firmly behind their spiritual leader, emphasizing his numerous humanitarian efforts, spiritual guidance, and positive influence in the community.

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It is essential for Nigerians to exercise discernment and not fall prey to misleading information. Prophet Jeremiah Fufeyin’s followers are confident that once the original video is watched, the truth will be evident to all.



Prophet Jeremiah Fufeyin’s followers are determined to combat these false accusations and ensure that his reputation remains untarnished. They are calling on Nigerians to stand with their spiritual leader and resist being swayed by manipulated videos that are designed to deceive and discredit a man who has brought hope and transformation to countless lives.

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As the truth emerges, it is expected that Nigerians will rally behind Prophet Jeremiah Fufeyin, recognizing his contributions, and rejecting attempts to tarnish his name. The Prophet and his followers remain steadfast in their commitment to serving God and helping those in need, undeterred by the malicious attacks launched against them.

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